ADHD is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder that is a chronic condition that affects children in combinations of persistent problems, difficulty sustaining attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior.
The causes of ADHD are inattention, impulsivity, hyperactivity that affects a childs ability
to learn and get along with others. It also runs in families from genetics,environment that leads to
exposures and develop problems with central nervous system.
There are different methods of treating ADHD but the most common are behavior therapy and medications. Behavior Therapy is interacting with therapists or parents that are trained to help their child to learn new behaviors to replace behaviors that don’t work or cause problems. This helps decrease children’s negative or problem behaviors. If you seek Medications, you will need to have them prescribed by professional. If you have trouble finding help near you, refer to Happy Minds Zip Code Assistant.
Realize that people who have ADHD that can’t focus or pay attention.
Do Not assume a person that is lazy or apathetic.
Tell the person with ADHD what you want that person to do.
Do Not tell the person what you want them to not do.
Acknowledge ADHD as a set back but not something that will stop your loved one
Do Not tell the person who has ADHD that is suffering from a disease.
Keep a positive & healthy attitude and diligent common sense that your loved one can connect to
Do Not: be negative or critical to the person
Eat better alongside your loved ones, a healthy diet will make them feel more energetic and fresh for the day
AVOID RED DYES, they will trigger their ADHD